These include the obligations to be paid within one year, including accounts payable, short-term loans, income taxes payable, wages, unearned revenue (e.g.
patents, contracts, trademarks, copyrights, and goodwill), and other assets (like deferred income tax arising from the loss of value of property that cannot be reported as a tax deduction until the property is sold). land, buildings, equipment, tools, furniture, computers, vehicles, etc.) offset by accumulated depreciation, intangible assets (e.g. These assets include long-term investments, cost of property and equipment (e.g.
Common current assets includes cash (cash, coin, balances in checking and savings accounts), accounts receivable (amounts owed to your business by your customers usually within 10-60 days), inventory (goods for sale), and prepaid expenses (e.g. The term current in a balance sheet generally means 'short-term' which is usually one year or less. The Accounting Equation: Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity Current Assets