I have hardly put it through any paces other than ensuring one of the line ins on the slave is functioning. The drivers, though, have a method to recognize and identify multiple interfaces in a daisy chain, but the mixer applet is the same UI as a single FSM, with the same labels.so users are presented with duplicate mixer applets and mnemonics with a highlight on the driver UI to identify the which mixer applet is which. Users essentially have to consider the daisy chain as a single device. I followed the PreSonus reinstall drivers for windows FAQīut, when first booting with the daisy chain plugged in, the FSMs weren't recognized.I rebooted (FW still connected) and the POST hanged with 'Restarting' screen. The PreSonus instructions are partially incorrect, I needed to unplug/replug the master FW cable at the PCIe card port to get the initial reboot to finish POST as the reboot hung. I is such a knucklehead that I didn't recognize that buss power would be plentiful over PCIe, so it is nice to be able to decommissioned a couple of wall warts. It took about an hour to get it installed. Motu 828 mkiii, ego system wami rack, presonus firebox, and a yamaha i88x all. I got a second FireStudio Mobile delivered today. Raw latency is down to your audio interface and its driver software.